《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第20期:生气的妈妈(在线收听

 Teach her to screw with me. 看你还敢耍我

I set a pick and then rolled towards the basket. 我阻断了防守  然后跑到球篮下
Luke passed to me. I shot the ball and almost made it. 卢克把球传给我  我投篮  几乎进了
I bought Lily the cutest little dress today. 我今天给莉莉买了件非常萌的裙子
And then I stole the ball from the other team, 然后我从对手那里抢到球
did a 360 and almost dunked it. 然后360逆天翻转上篮  几乎灌篮
That's nice. 真牛
Ay. I just had the best day today with Lily. 我今天跟莉莉玩得太开心了
That girl's so sweet. 那小姑娘萌翻了
I have a game next Saturday. You could come. 我下周六有比赛  你来看吧
No, it's okay. I wouldn't want to embarrass you. 不了  谢谢  我不想去给你丢脸
I'll probably take Lily out for cupcakes. Mm-hmm. 那天我应该会带莉莉去吃纸杯蛋糕
Okay. 哦
Any suggestions? 提点一下
I usually go with earrings. 我一般用耳环哄她开心