《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第1期:新增狗成员(在线收听

 Honeydew! What's up? 宝贝儿  找我什么事

Guess who's here. 猜猜谁来了  
Your dad! 是你爸
He drove his R.V. all the way up from Cocoa Beach. 他从可可海滩一路开着房车过来的
Hey, Son, working hard? 儿子啊  在努力工作吗
He's gonna say "Hardly working." 他会说  工作个屁
I meant to tell you he was driving out. 我原本是打算告诉你他出发的事
- Did he say it? - Oh, yeah. -他说了吗  -说了
Good kid. 好孩子
He wasn't supposed to show up for a few more days. 他本该过几天才到的
Well, guess what he brought us. 猜猜他给我们带了什么来
A dog... to keep. 一只狗  给我们养的
Yes! Yes. 没错  没错
Yes, I should have told Claire about the dog, 没错  我早该把狗的事告诉克莱尔
and I was going to. 我本来准备说的
But I was just waiting for her to be in the right mood. 我只是想等她心情好时再说
Actually, I did get one right mood a couple nights ago, 其实  几天前的某晚她心情就挺好
but I cashed that in for something else. 可我用那晚"干"了其他的事
- Am I in trouble? - Oh, really, really big. -我是不是有大麻烦了  -非常非常大
Okay, I'm a little scared. How bad is this? 你吓到我了  到底有多糟  
Oh, well we have a new rule- no sleeping in the bedroom. 我们家立了新规矩  不许进卧室