《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第4期:对狗过敏(在线收听

 It's just a movie. 只是电影罢了

- Oh, he's so cute. - Look at his little face. -它好可爱啊  -瞧它那小脸  
I always wanted a dog. Thanks, Grandpa. 我一直想养狗来着  谢谢爷爷
Okay, but remember, having a dog is a major responsibility. 你们要记得  养狗可是个大责任
Everyone in the family has to pitch in. 家里每个人都得负责任
- Can do, Mrs. D. - Not you, Dylan. -没问题  邓太太  -没包括你  迪兰
Oh, phew. 'Cause I got a lot on my plate right now. 松了一口气  我最近正好忙着呢
Hey, look who's here. Uncle Cam. 看看谁来了  小卡舅夫
Hey, we heard about the new addition 嘿  我们听说来了新成员
and we had to come right over. 所以一定得来看看
Cameron, so good to see you again. 卡梅隆  又见到你了
Now that is a shirt. 这衬衣真好看
Oh, well, thank you, Frank. I get 'em online. 谢了  弗兰克  我网购的
I'll send you a link. 回头发给你链接
Oh, well, at home, I smoke sausages. 好吧  我自家熏制了香肠
I'll send you a link. 回头也给你发一节
Classic. 真经典
- And this must be Lily. - Oh, yes. -这就是莉莉吧  -是的
She just couldn't wait to meet the new doggy. 她等不及要来看新狗狗了
I think she's good right here. 我看她待在这里挺好
Let me get in there and get some of that doggyness. 快让我来和狗狗亲热亲热
- Oh, there it is. - Haley. -宝贝儿啊  -海莉
- There it is. - I gotta go. -乖乖啊  -我得走了
- What's wrong? - That was Brian. He just quit the band. -怎么了  -是布莱恩  他要退出乐队
What? Why? 什么  为什么啊  
He's moving to Portland. 他要搬去波特兰了
His parents got back together. 他父母复合了
- Oh, that sucks. - I know. -真可恶  -我知道
Now we're gonna have to cancel the gig tomorrow. 我们明天的演出得取消了