《摩登家庭》第1季第23集 第17期:过上好日子(在线收听

 I just wish he could have seen how things turned out. 我倒蛮希望他能看到我们过上好日子了

Well, if you keep going like this, 要是你继续这样
maybe you can tell him yourself. 你马上就能亲自告诉他了
Or I can tell him, because you're about to kill me, Jay. 或者我也行  因为你也会把我害死的  杰
My legs, my arms, my back- everything is sore. 我得腿  胳膊和背  全身上下都在痛
So I wore you out, huh? 我把你"折腾"得筋疲力尽是吧
Oh, no, no, no. Don't get cocky, old man. 不不  别得意忘形  老家伙
When I sit down, I can still get up. Eh. 我坐下去至少还能再站起来
Hey, uh- Okay, come on. 好了  过来吧
Come here. Come here. 过来  过来
The rest of the trip went better. 剩下的假期过的很愉快
Haley's room stopped spinning. 海莉的头不再晕了
- Yes, it is. - And a monkey- -是的  没错  -接着一个猴子
There she is! 看看谁来了
Oh, honey! Hey! 亲爱的  你好阿
- Do you want some eggs Benedict? So creamy! - No. -要来点松饼荷包蛋吗  太美味了  -不要
No? 不要吗
Jay got back to the vacation he always wanted. 杰如愿以偿地度过了他想要的轻松假期
And Mitch and Cam managed to do some sightseeing... 米奇和小卡也出去观光了
at a working banana plantation- 在香蕉园里游览了一番
- Lily! - Where they promptly lost Lily again. -莉莉  -在那貌似他们又丢了莉莉
Why did you dress her in jungle prints? 你干嘛要把她打扮成和丛林一个颜色
Because I thought it would be cute! 因为我觉得那样可爱
She's gonna think she's back in Vietnam! 她会感觉她又回到了越南