摩登家庭第三季 第30期:克莱尔要申请一个停车标志(在线收听

 We're home! -Us, too. - Oh, great. You're all here. 我们回来啦!-我们也回来啦!-太好了,人齐了。

What's up, girl? 怎么了,妹子?
Oh. You know that really dangerous intersection? 知道什么是危险十字路吗?
Where desire meets jealousy, and the result is murder? 是说欲恨纠缠,杀意萌生吗?
Mnh-mnh. The one where I almost killed you this morning. 是说今早我差点撞死你的那个十字路。
Oh, yeah. Sorry. That was my bad. I got lost in my Jams. Dangerous combo-- speed walking and speedwagon. Oh. I wasn't even trying for that. -Nice. 对不起。是我的错。我太入神了。危险组合啊,竞走+摇滚。我当时完全是无意创造出来的。-好赞。
Well, I am getting us a stop sign. I called City Hall, and how is this for amazing? The Traffic Committee meets tonight. 我要去申请一个停车标志。我打给市政厅了,真是赶得早不如赶得巧。交通委员会今晚例会。
I've got goosebumps. 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了。
I know, right? All I have to do is get 50 signatures, show up, make my case. 可不是嘛?现在只要征集50个签名,走个过场,事就成了。
It's on. - I am so proud of you. -We all are. Mm. 好戏开始了。-我真为你骄傲。-都为你骄傲。
We love when mom gets on a project. 妈妈有事做的日子真美好。
Because usually the minute any of us walks in the door, she gives us something to do. 因为在平时,只要我们一进家门她就会给我们安排事情做。
"Do your homework. Clean your room." -"Put on pants." "做作业。扫房间。"-"穿裤子"
Like the Queen's coming over. Am I right? 又不是觐见女王。那么讲究干嘛?
So when she's not around or gets busy, Luke and I capitalize on the situation. 一旦她不在家或者忙得顾不得我们,我和卢克就会抓紧时间狂欢一把。
There you are, my good man. Squire, let's do it. 给你,老兄。小卢子,开始行动吧。
Get you some! 尽情吃吧!
Well, I think it's awesome. 这计划真好。
I am so glad because I could really use your help getting these signatures. 太好了,我正需要你们帮忙征集签名。
I'll do it, soon as I change those lightbulbs you wanted. 我来吧,给你换完灯泡后就动手。
Great. Kids? -Crud. You know, I've got a ton of homework. 很好。你们呢?-真不巧。今天作业都堆成山了。
Uh, science project. - Haley? 我有科学小项目。-海莉呢?
I need to get started on my college essay. You know what? Maybe I'll write it about you. You're just so inspirational. Girl power! You rock. 我得准备大学入学申请论文。其实我觉得。可以写写你。你的事迹如此鼓舞人心。女中豪杰 你太有才了。
Thanks, honey. I do rock. 谢谢,亲爱的。我是很有才。
Stella, down. Stella, no. This is very dangerous. 斯黛拉,下去。斯黛拉,别跳了。很危险。
Okay, Estella. That's it. Come here, because Jay is gonna be very mad if something happens to you. 埃斯特拉 够了。过来 你要是有个三长两短杰会气疯的。
Go play with the bone. See you later. Now I can cook my empanadas. 玩你的骨头去吧 回见。终于能专心做肉馅卷饼了。
The gate. Ay, no! Ay, no! The gate! The gate! Estella, come back! 门没关。不要啊不要啊 忘了关门了回来啊 斯黛拉