摩登家庭第三季 第76期:我赌你赢(在线收听

 Good for you! I'm not so sure. I mean, there's--there's a big upside, but I have a stable job right now. 那不赖啊!我不确定。我是说,那的确算是大升职,但我现在有份稳定的工作。

I have three kids, and at least one of them's going to college. Worse case scenario, they all go. 我有3个孩子,至少有一个会上大学的。一不小心3个都会上的。
Well, what does Claire think? 那么,克莱尔是怎么想的?
I haven't told her yet. I wanted to talk to you first. You've done this. 我还没和她说呢。我想先跟你谈谈。你有经验。
Well, I think that there's only really one question. 其实,我觉得根本上其实只有一个问题。
Whether I'm ready to run my own company? Ah, you're great with people.  我是否准备好自己下海创业吗?你很擅长与人打交道。
We know you're a good salesman. You've managed to provide a good living in tough times. 我们知道你是个很好的推销员。你在经济不景气的时候也让家人生活富足。
Then what? Is this the right time? Never a perfect time. 那问题是什么恰当的时机吗?永远都没有恰当的时机。
House could burn down tomorrow. Question is, do you want this? 没准房子明天就烧了。问题是你到底想不想这么做?
Yeah. Yeah, I really want it. 想。想,我真想自己干。
Then gamble on yourself. I'd gamble on you. 那就赌自己一把。我赌你赢。
I'm gonna do it. -There you go! 那我就干。-那不就得了!
Thanks, Jay. Hey, look, I know you were reluctant to get that massage, but I think we can both agree it had a happy ending. 谢了,杰。听着,我知道你之前不太愿意做按摩,但我觉得现在是皆大欢喜了。(通常用来形容情侣的幸福生活)
Please don't say that. 求你别说"欢喜"。
If I could only save one possession in a fire, probably my first set of golf clubs. My old man gave 'em to me. 如果我只能在火灾中带走一样物品,应该会救我的第一套高尔夫球杆。是我老爸给我的。
The engagement ring that Jay gave me that changed my life. 杰给我的结婚戒指改变了我的一生。
Lily's adoption papers. 莉莉的领养证书。
I was gonna say adoption papers. 我本来也想说是领养证书。
So I guess, then, I would say my mom's recipe book. 既然你已经拿了,我就拿走我妈的菜谱。
All our family photos...which I keep on my iPad, so my iPad. 所有的家庭照片我都存在iPad里,那就拿iPad吧。
As long as I have my family, I wouldn't need anything else. 只要我的家人在身边,我就什么都不需要了。
Aw, man! -What? 太假了!-怎么了嘛?
You say something like that, it makes us all seem petty. -Yeah. - Well...I know. -Hiss! 你说的境界那么高让我们显得好渺小。-就是。-其实我故意的。-讨厌!
Cam's sleeping. I don't wanna wake him. He's had a rough day. Not as rough as grandpa's truck. 小卡睡着了。我不想把他吵醒。他今天可悲催了。那也没外公的卡车悲催。
Thank you so much for driving me. I really didn't want to ride in that big rig. 多谢你们载我回家。我真的不想开那大卡车。
It was amazing. Everybody was honking, and I learned, like, five new curse words. Mostly from Cam. 难忘的经历啊。当时所有人都在按喇叭,而且我还学了差不多五句脏话。大多都是小卡说的。
Oh, I'm glad I could give you a laugh today. 真高兴今天能博得您二位千金一笑。
You know, I didn't know that's what I was to you people-- a big joke. 我还不知道我在你们眼里,就一笑料。
No, honey, it wasn't like that. 不是那样的,亲爱的。
No, we really didn't mean-- -Uncle Cam, we love you. Save it. I'm going back to bed. 我们不是故意的......-小卡舅夫,我们爱你。得了吧。我要回去睡觉了。
So he's still doing that? 他那老毛病还没好啊?
Yeah. Yeah, but we're working on it. 是啊。不过我们正努力改呢。