乔布斯传 第507期:就这个!(1)(在线收听

 That's It! 就这个!

There are certain meetings that are memorable both because they mark a historic moment 总有一些值得铭记的会议,不仅是因为它们标志了一个历史性的时刻,
and because they illuminate the way a leader operates. 而且还明确了领导者的运作方式。
Such was the case with the gathering in Apple's fourth-floor conference room in April 2001, 2001年4月,在苹果公司四层的会议室里就有这样一个会议,
where Jobs decided on the fundamentals of the iPod. 乔布斯确定了iPod的一些基础问题。
There to hear Fadell present his proposals to Jobs were Rubinstein, Schiller, Ive, Jeff Robbin, and marketing director Stan Ng. 在会上,法德尔要向乔布斯讲解他的提案,听众有鲁宾斯坦、席勒、艾弗、杰夫·罗宾,还有营销总监斯坦·吴。
Fadell didn't know Jobs, and he was understandably intimidated. 法德尔不认识乔布斯,他感到害怕是可以理解的。
"When he walked into the conference room, I sat up and thought, 'Whoa, there's Steve!' “当他走进会议室的那一刻,我不由得挺起身,心想:‘哇,这就是乔布斯!’
I was really on guard, because I'd heard how brutal he could be." 我开始小心翼翼起来,因为我早就听说过他的野蛮无理。”
The meeting started with a presentation of the potential market and what other companies were doing. 整个演讲以介绍“潜在市场”和“竞争对手”开始。
Jobs, as usual, had no patience. 和住常一样,乔布斯显然没有耐心听这些。
"He won't pay attention to a slide deck for more than a minute," Fadell said. 法德尔说:“我能感觉到,他没耐心在一张幻灯片上花上一分钟的时间。”
When a slide showed other possible players in the market, he waved it away. 当翻到“市场上的其他播放器”这张幻灯片时,他挥手示意法德尔停止。
"Don't worry about Sony," he said. "We know what we're doing, and they don't." 他说:“不要担心索尼。我们知道自己在做什么,但是他们不知道。”
After that, they quit showing slides, and instead Jobs peppered the group with questions. 于是,会议不再播放幻灯片,乔布斯幵始向团队拋出一连串的问题。
Fadell took away a lesson: "Steve prefers to be in the moment, talking things through. 法德尔学到了一课:“史蒂夫关注当下,说话直来直去。
He once told me, 'If you need slides, it shows you don't know what you're talking about.'" 有一次他告诉我:‘如果你一定要用幻灯片来讲,那说明你不知道自己要讲什么。’”