乔布斯传 第508期:就这个!(2)(在线收听

 Instead Jobs liked to be shown physical objects that he could feel, inspect, and fondle. 乔布斯希望在展示中看到实物,这样他就能够触摸、检阅和把玩。

So Fadell brought three different models to the conference room; 为此法德尔带来三个不同的模型到会议室。
Rubinstein had coached him on how to reveal them sequentially so that his preferred choice would be the pièce de résistance. 鲁宾斯坦指导他要按照顺序展示它们,这样,他的首选也许会被乔布斯看中。
They hid the mockup of that option under a wooden bowl at the center of the table. 他们把最后要展示的模型藏在了桌子中央一个倒扣的木碗里。
Fadell began his show-and-tell by taking the various parts they were using out of a box and spreading them on the table. 在这一轮演示中,法德尔先从一个盒子中拿出了iPod要使用的各种元件,并把它们摆在了桌上。
There were the 1.8-inch drive, LCD screen, boards, and batteries, all labeled with their cost and weight. 有1.8英寸的硬盘、液晶显示屏、几种主板和几种电池,每一样都标注了成本和重量。
As he displayed them, they discussed how the prices or sizes might come down over the next year or so. 在展示的过程中,大家讨论了未来一两年内这些部件的价格和尺寸会如何降低。
Some of the pieces could be put together, like Lego blocks, to show the options. 有一些元件可以像乐髙积木那样拼接,从而产生出不同的组合。
Then Fadell began unveiling his models, which were made of Styrofoam with fishing leads inserted to give them the proper weight. 接下来,法德尔开始展示他的模型,这些模型都是由泡沫聚苯乙烯制成的,里面填入了一些铅,以模拟真实的重量。
The first had a slot for a removable memory card for music. 第一个模型有一个插槽,用来放可拆除的音乐存储卡。
Jobs dismissed it as complicated. 乔布斯表示不喜欢,理由是太复杂。
The second had dynamic RAM memory, which was cheap but would lose all of the songs if the battery ran out. 第二个模型拥有动态存储器,成本很低,但是断电后所有数据都会消失。
Jobs was not pleased. 乔布斯也不满意。
Next Fadell put a few of the pieces together to show what a device with the 1.8-inch hard drive would be like. 接下来,法德尔把这些“乐高”元件组合在一起,展示了带有1.8英寸硬盘的设备。
Jobs seemed intrigued. 乔布斯似乎提起了兴趣。
The show climaxed with Fadell lifting the bowl and revealing a fully assembled model of that alternative. 随后就到了整个会议的高潮部分--法德尔把木碗掲起,一个组装完毕的成品模型出现在大家面前。
"I was hoping to be able to play more with the Lego parts, “我本来以为要多拼几次乐高元件,
but Steve settled right on the hard-drive option just the way we had modeled it," Fadell recalled. 但史蒂夫喜欢的硬盘组装方式正是我们已经做好的那样。”法德尔回忆道。
He was rather stunned by the process. "I was used to being at Philips, 他甚至有些吃惊:“我曾经在飞利浦工作,
where decisions like this would take meeting after meeting, with a lot of PowerPoint presentations and going back for more study." 如果要作出这样的决定,一定要经过很多轮PPT演示会议和会下研究。”