摩登家庭第六季 第135期:贾斯汀愿意跟他合个影(在线收听

 I'm so sorry for wasting your time. This was a big mistake. I'm probably not Princeton material anyways. 很抱歉浪费了你的时间。我犯了个大错。我也许不是上普林斯顿的料。

I mean, I spent most of last night in the back of a squad car. 我昨晚大部分时间都待在一部警察巡逻车后座。
Wait, what? 等等,什么?
Well, crazy story -- My friend Enzo's dream was to run the bases at Dodger stadium. And I was just like, "Screw it, let's do it." 疯狂的故事...我朋友恩佐的梦想是在道奇体育场上跑垒。我说 "管他呢,我们这就去吧"。
Oh, by the way, cute dress. Is that a Nanette Lepore? 顺便说一句,裙子很好看。是"公主娜娜"的吗?
Oh, my God, yes. Good eye. So, what happened next? 是的,眼光不错。然后呢?
Well, then my friend Lisa tucks her hair up into a baseball cap, and we convince the grounds keeper that she's Justin Bieber and that "Justin" will take a picture with him. 然后我朋友丽莎把头发塞进棒球帽跟看场的人说她是贾斯汀·比伯,而这个贾斯汀愿意跟他合个影。
Oh, my God. You're so naughty. I love it. 天呐。你真淘气,我喜欢。
You know it, slut. Oh, my God. I am so sorry. 你知道的,贱人。天呐,真抱歉。
Aww, you're cooking us a steak dinner -- how sweet. 晚餐你给我们做牛排吗?太棒了。
Yeah, I came home from work early to cook us dinner. That's crazy. This is for Stella. 是啊,我提前下班回来做我们的晚餐。你疯了吗。这是给斯黛拉的。
Ay, Jay...-You don't know what I'm competing with over there. 杰...-你不知道我面临多强的竞争对手。
Cameron's wooing her with belly rubs, jewelry, kisses on the mouth. I just want her to remember who loves her the most. 卡梅隆帮她按摩肚皮,买珠宝,亲嘴嘴。我就想让她记得谁最爱她。
I don't think Stella is ever going to forget how much you love her, no matter how much time she needs to stay with Mitch and Cam. 我不觉得斯黛拉会忘记你有多爱她,不管她跟米奇和小卡还要一同度过多少时间。
What are you talking about? She's coming home Friday. 你在说什么,她周五就回来。
That's the thing. Look. The rash is gone. 是这样的。看。疹子没了。
Well, we don't know that's Stella. A lot of things cause rashes. Maybe he's less stressed this week than last. 我们不能确定是不是因为斯黛拉。很多原因都会造成疹子。说不定他只是没有上周那么大压力了。
What's going on? 发生什么事了?
We have to get rid of Stella. 我们得送走斯黛拉。
Slow down. We haven't decided anything yet. 等等,我们还没作出决定呢。
Yes, we have. It's what's best for Joe. 我们决定好了,这是对乔最好的。
And for whatever it's worth, my eyes have stopped itching, I can taste my food, and I have more energy. 而且值得一提,我的眼睛也不痒了,我能尝出食物的味儿,也更有精神了。
You took a three-hour nap yesterday. 你昨天打了三个小时的盹。