向前一步:第212期 让我们开始讨论吧(18)(在线收听

 Even today, gender-blind evaluations still result in better outcomes for women. 甚至到今天,因忽略性别所做出的评价仍然会对女性产生更有利的结果。

Unfortunately, most jobs require face-to-face interviews. 遗憾的是,大多数工作都要求面对面地考察申请者。
All of us, myself included, are biased, whether we admit it or not. 所有人,包括我在内,不管我们承认与否,都是带有成见的。
And thinking that we are objective can actually make this even worse, creating what social scientists call a "bias blind spot." 假设我们都能做到客观,这实际上反而会让事情变得更糟糕,产生社会学家所说的“偏见盲点”。
This blind spot causes people to be too confident about their own powers of objectivity so that they fail to correct for bias. 这种盲点将导致人们对自己的客观立场过分自信,使得他们无法克服偏见带来的影响。
When evaluating identically described male and female candidates for the job of police chief, 例如,当申请警察局局长职位的男性和女性资历相当时,
respondents who claimed to be the most impartial actually exhibited more bias in favor of male candidates. 自认为最客观的受访者实际上也会表现得更倾向于支持男性。
This is not just counterproductive but deeply dangerous. 这不仅有违直觉,而且相当危险。
Evaluators in that same study actually shifted hiring criteria to give men an advantage. 同样,调查中评估员的背景也会影响到雇用标准,使它变得具有倾向性。
When a male applicant possessed a strong educational record, that quality was considered critical to the success of a police chief. 当一个男性申请者拥有过硬的教育背景时,这会被认为是一个成功的警察局局长所具备的重要特质;
But when a male applicant possessed a weaker educational record, that quality was rated as less important. 但如果一个男性申请者其教育背景不够理想,那么这项指标就变得不那么重要。
This favoritism was not shown to female applicants. If anything, the reverse happened. 女性申请者则没有享受到这种偏袒,即使有的话,也是正好相反。
When a woman possessed a particular skill, ability, or background, that quality tended to carry less weight. 如果一位女性申请者拥有特定的技术、能力或背景,那么这些指标的重要性就有可能被削弱。
The infuriating takeaway from this study is that "merit" can be manipulated to justify discrimination. 研究显示出的这种不公平的偏见恰好说明,所谓的“实力”可以被用来将歧视合理化。