向前一步:第213期 让我们开始讨论吧(19)(在线收听

 Social scientists are uncovering new examples of bias all the time. 社会科学家一直在向人们揭示有关偏见的各种新案例。

In 2012, a series of studies compared men in more "modern" marriages (whose wives worked outside the home full-time) to men in more "traditional" marriages (whose wives worked at home). 2012年的一系列研究将更偏向“现代”婚姻关系中的男性(妻子是上班族)与更偏向“传统”婚姻关系中的男性(妻子是全职主妇)作了对比。
The researchers wanted to determine if a man's home arrangement affected his professional behavior. It did. 研究者想要确认一个男性的家庭生活安排是否会影响其事业表现,结果证明的确是有影响的。
Compared to men in modern marriages, 与更加现代的婚姻关系中的男性比较,
men in more traditional marriages viewed the presence of women in the workforce less favorably. 传统的婚姻关系中的男性对于职场女性的存在,更有可能持不赞同的态度。
They also denied promotions to qualified female employees more often 在提拔资质够格的女性配偶时,他们否决的概率更大,
and were more likely to think that companies with a higher percentage of female employees ran less smoothly. 也更倾向于认为女性员工比例较高的公司的运行会相对不够稳定。
The researchers speculated that men in traditional marriages are not overtly hostile toward women 研究者推测,传统婚姻关系中,男性对女性的这种敌意并不是公开的,
but instead are "benevolent sexists" — holding positive yet outdated views about women. 反而是一种“好心的性别歧视者”的态度。
(Another term I have heard is "nice guy misogynists.") (我听到的另一个术语是“厌恶女性的好男人”。)
These men might even believe that women have superior strengths in certain areas like moral reasoning, 这些男人或许还相信女性在特定领域(比如道德伦理方面)更加擅长,
which makes them better equipped to raise children — and perhaps less equipped to succeed in business. 所以更适合养育下一代,而不适合去追求事业的成功。
In all likelihood, men who share this attitude are unaware of how their conscious and unconscious beliefs hurt their female colleagues. 持有这样态度的男人极有可能意识不到他们正在有意无意地伤害着自己周围的女性。
Another bias arises from our tendency to want to work with people who are like us. 我们还有一种天生的倾向,它会导致偏见的产生,那就是我们希望和同类人一起工作。