夏说英语新闻晨读 第553期:飞到一半发现孩子没带(在线收听

 A Malaysia-bound plane had to turn back to Saudi Arabia after a passenger realised she had left her baby in the terminal. The pilot, en route to Kuala Lumpur, made the unusual request to return to the airport in Jeddah shortly after takeoff when the passenger told cabin crew she had forgotten her child. “May God be with us. Can we come back?” the pilot asks. The scenario, seemingly a first for the air traffic controllers, leaves the operator confounded and he can be heard conferring with others over the appropriate action. It is rare for planes to turn around or divert midair for anything other than technical or passenger health reasons.

boundv. 去;开往
(be) bound for: 去往
leave sb./sth. in...: 把……留在……
terminal: 航站楼
en route to: 去……的路上
on the way to: 去……的路上
cabin crew: 机组人员
leave sb. adj.: 让某人……
confer: 商量;商议
