夏说英语新闻晨读 第561期:美国版药神(在线收听

 Insulin is not like other drugs. It's a natural hormone that controls our blood sugar levels - too high causes vision loss, confusion, nausea, and eventually, organ failure; too low leads to heart irregularities, mood swings, seizures, loss of consciousness. For most of us, our bodies produce insulin naturally. But for Type 1 diabetics, insulin comes in clear glass vials, handed over the pharmacy counter each month - if they can afford it. One vial of the insulin now costs $275 without health insurance. In 1923, the discoverers of insulin sold its patent for $1, hoping the low price would keep the essential treatment available to everyone who needed it.

insulin: n. 胰岛素
confusion: n. 神志不清
confuse v. 使困惑;使混乱
nausea: n. 恶心
heart irregularities: 心律不齐
mood swings: 情绪波动
seizure: n. 抽搐;突然发作
seize: v. 抓住
diabetic: n. 糖尿病患者
vial: n. 小玻璃瓶
