夏说英语新闻晨读 第562期:中华宝藏库喜提一波史前化石(在线收听

 Scientists say they have discovered a "stunning" trove of thousands of fossils on a river bank in China. The fossils are estimated to be about 518 million years old, and are particularly unusual because the soft body tissue of many creatures, including their skin, eyes, and internal organs, have been "exquisitely" well preserved. Palaeontologists have called the findings "mind-blowing" — especially because more than half the fossils are previously undiscovered species.

stunning: adj. 绝妙的;精彩绝伦的
trove: n. 宝藏
fossil: n. 化石
fossil fuels: 化石燃料
exquisitely: adv. 精致地
preserve: vt. 保存;保藏
preserved eggs: 皮蛋
palaeontologist: n. 古生物学
mind-blowing: adj. 给人印象深刻的
