生活口语天天说 第177期:怎样使用医疗保险(在线收听

 This is my policy holder card. 这是我的保险卡。

Here is my case history book. 这是我的病历本。
Have you got insurance? 您有保险吗?
Yes. This is my policy holder card. 是的。这是我的保险卡。
Sorry, the balance of your policy holder card is not enough. 对不起,您的保险卡余额不足,
You have to pay cash. 您需要付现金。
How much should I pay? 多少钱?
102 yuan. 102 元。
I have no msufaace. 我没有保险。
Would you please show me your policy holder card?  可以出示一下您的保险卡吗?
I have no insurance. 我没有保险。
You have to pay more without insurance. 没有保险的话您要多花钱。