生活口语天天说 第179期:怎样表达症状(在线收听

 And I got a temperature. 我还发烧了。

Have you got a headache? 您头痛吗?
Yes. And I got a temperature.  是的。我还发烧了。
I think you need a blood test. 我想您需要去验血。
I feel so sick and I feel like going to throw up all the time. 我感觉恶心,总是想吐。
I feel so sick and I feel like going to throw up all the time.  我感觉恶心,总是想吐。
Have you eaten something bad? 您是不是吃了什么不干净的东西?
I'm not sure. 我也不清楚。
Have you got a bad stomach? 您胃疼吗?
No. I haven't got a stomachache. 不,我胃不疼。