生活口语天天说 第206期:怎样谈论剪发(在线收听

 What style do you like? 您喜欢什么发型呢?

What style do you like? 您喜欢什么发型呢?
I'd like to have my hair cut short. 我想要剪短发。
How short? 要多短?
The shorter, the better. 越短越好。
Cut a little more off at the temples. 把鬓角再剪一点儿。
Do you think it,s OK? 您看这样可以吗?
Cut a little more off at the temples. 把鬓角再剪一点儿。
That's all right...Is this your liking now? 好的。这样您喜欢吗?
Very good! 非常好!