生活口语天天说 第208期:怎样选择发型(在线收听

 Would you like to wear your hair just like this picture? 给您剪这幅图片中的发型怎么样?

Would you like to wear your hair just like this picture? 给您剪这幅图片中的发型怎么样?
I don't like it. 我不喜欢。
How about that one? 那个怎么样?
I don't like the straight fringe. 我不喜欢直的刘海儿。
Do you think this hair style matches me? 你觉得这个发型适合我吗?
Do you think this hair style matches me? 你觉得这个发型适合我吗?
I don't think you'll look younger in this style. 我认为您梳这个发型看起来不年轻。
Then I'll change another one. 那我再换个发型。
I think short hair suits you. 我认为短发适合您。