生活口语天天说 第223期:怎样加入旅行团(在线收听

 I'd like to join a tour group. 我想参加旅行团。

I'm going to Singapore next month 我下个月要去新加坡。
Are you going to join the tour group or a package tour?  您想参加旅游团还是包办旅行?
I'd like to join a tour group. 我想参加旅行团。
We have a new travel product, which is rather reasonable price. 我们有一个新的旅游产品,价格上很划算的。
How much will it cost? 要多少钱?
I'm going on a package tour. 我打算包办旅行。
I'm going on a package tour. 我打算包办旅行。
What is the advantage of a package tour?  包办旅行有什么好处?
I only need to pay and the other things are arranged by the travel agency. 我只需要付钱,其他的事情都由旅行社来安排。