生活口语天天说 第226期:怎样谈论公园的环境(在线收听

 The air is very fresh in the park. 公园的空气很清新。

I go to the park every morning. 我每天早上去公园。
The air is very fresh in the park. 公园里的空气很清新。
Yes.I enjoy the fresh air very much. 是的。我非常喜欢清新的空气。
There are so many people in the park. 公园里有这么多人。
There are so many people in the park.  公园里有这么多人。
Today is Sunday. 今天是星期天。
I prefer going to the park at weekdays.  我更愿意在平时来公园。
They always make the park so dirty. 他们总是把公园弄得很脏。
Look! Someone is littering. 看!有人在乱丢东西。