生活口语天天说 第228期:怎样谈论野餐(在线收听

 It's so nice to have a picnic in the park!  在公园里野餐太好了!

It's so nice to have a picnic in the park!  在公园里野餐太好了!
Yes. Do you want some sausage? 是啊。你想要些香肠吗?
No. I'd like some fruits. 不,我想吃点儿水果。
Is it allowed to have picnic on this lawn?  这片草坪上允许野餐吗?
Is it allowed to have picnic on this lawn? 这片草坪上允许野餐吗?
No. The picnic section is over there. 不行。野餐区在那边。
Let's go there to have picnic. 我们去那边野餐吧。
OK. Let's spread out the tablecloth on the lawn.  好的。我们把桌布铺在草坪上吧。
If only we could have barbecue here! 要是能在这儿烤肉就好了。