生活口语天天说 第229期:怎样拍照(在线收听

 I want to have a picture taken near the river. 我想要在河边拍照。

I want to have a picture taken near the river. 我想要在河边拍照。
All right.I will take a picture for you. 好的,我给你拍。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Could you please take a picture for us? 你能帮我们合影吗?
Could you please take a picture for us?  你能帮我们合影吗?
Certainly. How can I use this camera?  当然可以。我怎么用这个相机?
Just push this button. 按这个按钮就可以。
OK. Get ready! Say “cheese"! 好的。准备好!说“cheese" !
Cheese! Cheese!