生活口语天天说 第233期:怎样祝愿别人获胜(在线收听

 I hope you will win the race. 我希望你能获胜。

I hope you will win the race. 我希望你能获胜。
Thank you.I will try my best. 谢谢。我会尽力的。
I will go to the playing field to cheer you on. 我会到运动场为你加油助威的。
The 1000-metre race is a little difficult for me. 1000米跑对我来说有点儿困难。
The 1000-metre race is a little difficult for me. 1000米跑对我来说有点儿困难。
It needs both speed and endurance. 那是既需要速度又需要耐力的。
I'm afraid I can't win. 恐怕我不能获胜。
Be confident.I'm sure you're the best. 自信一些。我想信你是最棒的。
Thank you for your encouragement. 谢谢你的鼓励。