生活口语天天说 第258期:怎样过中秋节(在线收听

 The Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China.  中秋节是中国的传统节日。

The Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China.  中秋节是中国的传统节日。
What do you often eat in this festival? 你们在这个节日吃什么?
We eat moon cakes. 我们吃月饼。
I'd like to have a taste. 我也想尝一尝。
It's sweet. It symbolizes reunion. 月饼很甜。它象征着团圆。
Well have a big feast on the Mid-autumn Festival. 我们将在中秋节举行盛宴。
Well have a big feast on the Mid-autumn Festival. 我们将在中秋节举行盛宴。
Who will join the feast? 谁将参加宴会呢?
My family and many relatives. 我的家人和许多亲戚。