生活口语天天说 第259期:怎样过国庆节(在线收听

 The golden week holiday is coming. 假日黄金周要到了。

The golden week holiday is coming. 假日黄金周要到了。
I plan to go on a trip. 我打算出游。
Where are you going to travel? 你要去哪儿旅游呢?
We have a seven-day off on the National Day holidays. 国庆节我扪有7天的假期。
We have a seven-day off on the National Day holidays.  国庆节我们有七天的假期。
Are you going to travel these days? 你打算这些天去旅行吗?
No. I hate the heavy traffic on the holidays. 不。我讨厌假期拥挤的交通。
Then what would you do? 那你打算做什么呢?
I'll stay at home watching TV. There will be excellent programs on. 我要待在家里看电视,会有很精彩的电视节目。