生活口语天天说 第262期:怎样表达外出吃饭(在线收听

 Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这儿附近有中餐厅吗?

I'd like to have Chinese food. 我想吃点中餐。
Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这儿附近有中餐厅吗?
There is one nearby serving Guangzhou dishes. 附近有一家中餐馆经营广州菜。
Let's go to the cafeteria. 我们去那个自助餐馆吧。
Let's go to the cafeteria. 我们去那个自助餐馆吧。
I had been there once and the food there is not very good. 我去过一次,那儿的食物不太好吃。
Then let's change another one. 那么我们换一个地方吧。
How about that seafood restaurant? 那家海鲜餐馆怎么样?
The food there is good,but rather expensive. 那儿的食物很好,但是太贵了。