
 I made you breakfast. 我给你弄了点早餐

No. Uh, I'm not hungry. 不用了  我不饿
You gotta eat, Declan. 你得吃点东西  德克兰
Did you get any sleep? 你没去睡会儿
Barely. Uh...You know, every time I drifted off...dad was there. And I'd get up to tell you the good news. 没怎么睡  每次我快睡着的时候  就仿佛看到了爸爸  然后我就想起来  告诉你这个好消息
I stayed up till dawn...looking over dad's will. The Stowaway's all ours now.  我也是一整晚没睡  反复看爸爸的遗嘱  偷渡者酒吧现在是我们的了  
And he didn't want a funeral. He just wanted us to scatter his ashes at sea. 他不想举行葬礼  他只希望我们把他的骨灰洒入大海
You know the last thing dad heard was me calling him a loser? 你知不知道  爸爸听到的最后一句话是我说他是个废物
We both had a lot of fights with dad. He knows you didn't mean it. 我们都跟爸爸吵过很多次架  他知道你不是这个意思
Yeah, I did mean it. Scatter him without me. 不  我就是这个意思  洒骨灰的时候别叫我
Good morning.Hey. 早上好  你好
I found this old-timer at my door last night. 昨晚老家伙跑到了我家门口
I didn't even realize he was gone. I'm a little distracted.  我都没发现它不见了  我有点心烦意乱  
My dad just passed away from a heart attack. 我爸爸刚去世了  他心脏病发作
Oh, my god. Yeah. That's awful. 天呐  是啊  太糟糕了
Is this him? I lost my dad suddenly, too. 这是他吗  我也是突然之间失去了我的爸爸
I'm so sorry. 真的很遗憾
I appreciate it. 谢谢
Let me, uh, let me make you some breakfast. Oh. It's the least I can do. 我给你做点早餐吧  至少我能这样来感谢你一下
No, I-I would—I would love to, um...But I have this thing that I have to go do, so... 不用了  我很想留下来  但我还有点事要处理  所以
Maybe next time. Yeah. 要不下次吧  好
Take care of yourself. 你自己好好保重
Yeah. You, too. Okay. 好的  你也是  好的