《复仇》 第117期:杀人嗜好(在线收听

 Hello? Multiple code reds, Ems. 喂 艾米  多重红色警报

The talented Mr. Hamptons 这位汉普顿有才青年  
somehow got hold 搞到了一份拼接好的
of a shredded speech by the unbreakable Lydia Davis. 不死之身莉迪亚·戴维斯的演讲稿碎片
In it, she planned to 从稿子里看  她计划
take down Conrad and Victoria at the Open Arms gala 在"无私关爱"晚会上扳倒康拉德和维多利亚
by exposing their role 向世人公开在陷害你爸的阴谋中
in the entire conspiracy against your dad. 他俩扮演了何其重要的角色
Are you kidding me? 别开玩笑了
How did we not know about this? 我们对此事怎么会一无所知
Well, as I recall, we were a little bit busy that night. 据我回想  我们俩那晚都有点忙
Code red number two-- 红色警报二
The speech piqued Tyler's curiosity, 那份演讲稿挑起了泰勒的好奇心
and he did a web search on David Clarke. 他上网查过大卫·克拉克
You think he's on to you? 你认为他是要对付你吗
More likely, 看上去
he's gonna try to blackmail Conrad and Victoria. 他很可能是想敲诈康拉德和维多利亚
Then why is he hitting me up for $20 mil 如果他能找到更大的冤大头
if he's got a bigger payday planned? 干嘛还来坑我两千万
Wait. You should invest with him. 等等 你应该给他
What? You do it. 没搞错吧  要给你自己给
Oh, yeah, and how am I gonna explain that to Daniel? 好啊  那我怎么跟丹尼尔解释这件事
All right. What's the plan? 好吧  那要怎么做
Just keep Tyler occupied 在我们拿到莉迪亚的稿子前
until we find Lydia's speech. 你先用钱把泰勒稳住
Commit to the buy-in at the party, 你在派对上先答应入股
and then you can defund the investment before the deal closes. 然后在交易完成前撤资
Between Tyler's scheming and 一边是泰勒的阴谋诡计
Amanda's homicidal tendencies, 一边是阿曼达的杀人嗜好
this is a very dangerous game 我们在这场游戏中
that we're playing here. 真是腹背受敌啊
I told you, this is not a game. 我告诉过你  别把这当游戏
God. I should never have trusted you to take down Tyler. 天呐  我真不该相信你能搞定泰勒
Hey, I can handle Tyler. 我能搞定泰勒
Then handle him. 那就去做啊