《复仇》 第142期:杀害大卫的证据(在线收听

 How the hell did you get in here? 你怎么进来的

Tricks of the trade, my friend. 我的朋友  我自有诀窍
Listen, I gave some more thought 听着  我又好好想了想
to the terms of our arrangement, Conny, 我们协议的条款  康尼
and I decided that I'm no longer interested 我决定不再参与
in working for your crappy little hedge fund. 你那土逼对冲基金的工作了
Well, good, 很好
because I never really took 因为你那微不足道的威胁
your petty little threats seriously. 我根本没当回事
What you claim to have is a copy 你声称握有的证据不过是
of the delusional ramblings of a suicidal socialite. 一位企图自杀的名媛所捏造的东西
And if that printout even exists, 那本来就是无稽之谈
there's no more validity to the accusations now 比起十八年前的南山铁案
than there was 18 years ago. 这根本不具说服力
What I have is a video 我掌握的证据可是一段
of your murdered henchman, Frank Stevens, 您手下的杀手弗兰克·史蒂芬
tossing said socialite off a building, 把那位名媛推下楼的视频
not to mention an incriminating conversation between you and your... 更别提您和您情妇的那段
whore 含有犯罪证据的对话
about your complicity in framing David Clarke. 那可是关于你们是如何陷害大卫·克拉克
And I'm assuming you have this video with you. 难道那段视频就在你身上
Oh, I wouldn't be that reckless. 我像是那么鲁莽的人吗
No. We have some negotiating to do first. 当然没有  我们先得协商协商
Now... why don't you make me your best offer? 好了  你出个最高价码吧
And I'll see what I can do about keeping that recording 我可以试试管住自己
out of the hands of federal prosecutors. 不把这段录像呈送给检察官
You really are son of a bitch, aren't you? 你真是个不折不扣的混蛋
Yes. 那当然
It does appear that you despicable people 你们这群卑鄙小人欺人太甚
are starting to rub off on me. 我就跟你们玩混的