《复仇》 第213期:我是杀人犯(在线收听

 Did you bring the tape? 录像带带来了吗

Hi to you, too. 你好啊
Amanda.  Did you watch it? 阿曼达  你看了吗
Do I need to? 我需要看吗
Don't I already know everything I need to know? 我该知道的一切还不够清楚吗
Some guy's house burns down, 一个人的房子被烧
another guy comes looking for his stolen property, 另一个人来找他丢失的东西
Which I find in my house, left by you, 我在我家找到的  是你留下的  
and I'm nearly beaten to death for it. 我差点因它而死
Was I just your alibi? 我就是你的不在场证明
That spontaneous trip to Atlantic city, 你提议去大西洋城自由行
suggested by you, was that not-so-spontaneous after all? 但你并不是表面上那么乐意  对吗
What do you want me to say, Jack? 杰克  你想让我说什么呢
I did it. 是我做的
I'm a thief, an arsonist, and now a fugitive, 我是个小偷  纵火犯  现在还是个逃犯
so call the cops if you want, 你可以打电话叫警察来抓我  
just give me the tape back. 只要你把带子还我就行
Not until you tell me the truth. 除非你告诉我真相
Why'd you come back here? 你为什么回来
Look at me. Was it for me? 看着我 是为了我吗
Was it for something else? 还是有其它原因
You want the whole truth, Jack? Yeah. 你想知道真相对吗  杰克  是
The truth is, I've made mistakes. 真相就是  我犯了错
I've pretended to be something I'm not. 我把自己伪装成了别人
And that little girl you loved, 我不是你心里爱着的
she's not me. 那个小女孩
Just give me the tape back. 把带子还给我吧
No. No, I'm keeping it. 不 不  我会拿着
I want to see what was worth 我想看看是什么东西
throwing everything we had away. 值得你放弃我们的过往