《复仇》 第264期:嫌疑人(在线收听

 Amanda, is it? 阿曼达吗

Our business is seasonal. 我们店季节性很大
When the summer ends, people move on to the next gig. 夏天结束后  员工就去找新工作了
Happens every year. 每年都如此
You two were dating, right? 你俩曾交往过  对吗
You ask a lot of questions. 你问得太多了
Benjamin Brooks. 本杰明·布鲁克斯
I represent Daniel Drayson. 我是丹尼尔·格雷森的代理律师
I have another question for you. 我还有个问题
Where were you Saturday night? 周六晚上你在哪里
I was starting to sail to Haiti. 我准备起航去海地
I was getting ready to help with the rebuilding there. 去帮助那儿的房屋重建
Aren't you the altruist? What stopped you? 你太舍己为人了  何事让你耽搁了
Engine trouble. 引擎故障
That's a shame. 真可惜
Pretty soon, fall will be here. It'll be too rough a trip. 秋天快到了  再要去路途可就艰辛了
Should've left when you had the chance. 你该抓住机会离开的
Let me know if you hear from Amanda. 有阿曼达消息的话通知我
Oh, I can have your boat fixed and ready to go by nightfall. 我能帮你修好船让你傍晚离开
Running away is not gonna solve anything. 逃避并不能解决问题
And I gotta find Amanda before the Graysons do. 我得在格雷森之前找到她
And how are you gonna do that? 你打算怎么找
I don't know yet. 还不知道