《复仇》 第294期:艾莉森的阴谋论(在线收听

 A tragic twist in the David Clarke trial today. 今天大卫·克拉克的案子出现了悲剧的一幕

The wife of juror number seven was the victim 七号陪审员的妻子是
of a deadly carjacking in Queens last night. 皇后区昨晚劫车命案的受害人
Judge Barnes immediately excused the juror, 法官巴恩斯立即免去他陪审员职位
who will be replaced with an alternate. 这名陪审员将被替换
The remaining members of the jury 陪审团剩下的成员将继续
continue to be sequestered in an undisclosed location 被隔离在一个不为人知的地方
with minimal outside conta. 尽量不与外界接触
Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled plotting. 抱歉打扰你的日常阴谋策划了
Jack's en route to Montauk 在我们说话的同时
as we speak. 杰克正赶回蒙托克
I guess we couldn't expect him to stay away forever. 我想我们不能指望他永远不回来
At least we managed to keep him out of the Graysons' reach 至少我们成功地让他尽可能久地
for as long as possible. 不被格雷森一家找到
What now? 现在怎么办
Jack shows his face, 杰克一露面
the Graysons are gonna try and pin the murder on him. 格雷森家就会试图把他黑成凶手
No, that's not gonna happen. 不  我不会让那发生的
I got your money. What are the details? 我拿到钱了  具体怎么做
The jury's sequestered... 陪审团被隔离在
Oh... at the seacliff inn in Northampton. 南汉普顿的海岩区
You bugged the queen's castle? 你在女王家安了窃听器吗
You'll have to pose as a hotel employee to get to her. 你得扮成一个宾馆服务员才能接近她
The one you want is juror number three-- 你的目标是三号陪审员
Ann Woodbury. 安·伍德伯里