生活口语天天说 第265期:怎样抱怨(在线收听

 It is medium rare. 它是五成熟的。

The beefsteak seems not fully cooked  牛排好好像没熟。
It is medium rare. 它是五成熟的。
I like it well-done. 我喜欢全熟的。
But you didn't tell me just now. 但是你没告诉我。
it's because you didn't ask me. 是因为你没问我。
The soup is a little salty. 汤有点儿咸。
The soup is a little salty. 汤有点儿咸。
I'll change another one for you. 我给你换一份。
Thank you. 谢谢。