生活口语天天说 第272期:怎样表达喝醉(在线收听

 Would you like one more? 你要再来一杯吗?

The wine is very nice. 这酒真不错。
Would you like one more? 你要再来一杯吗?
No.I feel a little tipsy tonight. 不。今晚我有点儿喝多了。
Are you kidding? 你开玩笑吧?
It's so strong and goes to my head. 这酒劲大,上头。
I'm drunk. 我喝醉了。
I'm drunk. 我喝醉了。
It doesn't matter.You always drink like a fish. 没关系,你酒量不错的。
I should have drunk less. 我应该少喝一点。