生活口语天天说 第274期:怎样表达愉快的心情(在线收听

 It's a wonderful night. 今晚过得真愉快。

It's a wonderful night. 今晚过得真愉快。
I don't want to leave,but I have to work tomorrow. 我真不想走,但是明天还要上班。
We can come here again tomorrow. 我们可以明天再来。
I had never been so delighted. 我从来没这么高兴过。
I had never been so delighted. 我从来没这么高兴过。
Yes.I can't be more relaxed. 是的,我从来没这么放松过。
Drinking and chatting with you makes me so cheerful. 和你一起喝酒聊天让我很振奋。
Me too.I love the atmosphere here. 我也是。我喜欢这里的气氛。
Shall we come here next weekend? 我们下个周末再来好吗?