生活口语天天说 第281期:怎样选择服装(在线收听

 What are you going to wear in the party? 晚会你打算穿什么衣服?

What are you going to wear in the party? 晚会你打算穿什么衣服?
I don't know.I have only jeans. 我不知道。我只有牛仔裤。
Are you going to the party with your old jeans? 你要穿这条旧牛仔裤去参加晚会吗?
Why not? 为什么不能?
You'll look strange because it's a formal party. 你会看起来很奇怪,因为这是正式的晚会。
Do I have to dress formal suit in the cocktail party? 我参加鸡尾酒会需要穿正式的西装吗?
Do I have to dress formal suit in the cocktail party? 我参加鸡尾酒会需要穿正式的西装吗?
Is it a formal party? 是正式的酒会吗?
I'm not sure. 我不清楚。