生活口语天天说 第282期:怎样询问开闭馆时间(在线收听

 When does the museum open every day? 博物馆每天什么时候开放?

When does the museum open every day? 博物馆每天什么时候开放?
It opens at 9:30 from Tuesday to Friday,and 9 at weekends. 星期二到星期五每天9点半开放,周末9点。
It doesn't open on Monday,does it? 周一不开放,对吧?
When will the museum close? 博物馆什么时候关闭?
When will the museum close? 博物馆什么时候关闭?
At 5 o'clock. 5点。
Oh,we have one more hour. 哦,我们还有1个多小时。
But visitors are not allowed to enter the museum after 4 o'clock. 但4点之后游客就不允许进入了。
What a pity! 太遗憾了!