生活口语天天说 第283期:怎样谈论门票(在线收听

 How much is the fare? 门票多少钱?

How much is the fare? 门票多少钱?
10 yuan for a student's ticket. 学生票10元。
I'd like to have two. 我要2张。
The museum is free for the visitors. 博物馆对游客免费开放。
The museum is free for the visitors. 博物馆对游客免费开放。
Great!Can everyone go to the museum freely? 太好了!每个人都可以自由进入博物馆吗?
You have to get a ticket with your ID card. 你必须带着身份证去领一张票。
Is the amount of the tickets limited? 每天发票的数量有限制吗?
Yes.You cannot get the ticket if you come late. 是的,如果你来晚了就没有票了。