生活口语天天说 第284期:怎样谈论文物(在线收听

 When were these relics excavated? 这些文物是什么时候出土的?

When were these relics excavated? 这些文物是什么时候出土的?
I don't know.Let's read the label. 我不知道,看看标签吧。
Oh,they were excavated 60 years ago. 哦,这些是60年前出土的。
What is this made for? 这个是做什么用的?
It is an ancient cooking vessel. 这是古代做饭的器具。
These coins are of Qin Dynasty. 这些钱币是秦朝的。
Look at the coins. 看这些钱币。
Are these real? 这些都是真的吗?
Yes.These coins are of Qin Dynasty. 是的。这些钱币是秦朝的。