《复仇》 第303期:庭上的谎言(在线收听

 As the defense stated in their opening argument, 根据被告的开庭陈述

they're going to try to refute 面对强有力的物证
the overwhelming physical evidence 他们依旧想方设法
that we've presented 要推翻我们的控告
by claiming that Daniel Grayson was framed, 并宣称丹尼尔·格雷森是遭人陷害
that Charlotte Grayson, the defendant's sister, 而被告的妹妹  夏洛特·格雷森
saw a third person on the beach. 在海滩看到了第三人
Objection. Counsel is testifying. 反对  无证臆断
Objection sustained. 反对成立
Thank you. 谢谢
Mr. Porter, 波特先生
will you recount for us 可以为我们重述一下
what happened that night on the beach? 那晚在海滩上发生的事吗
Yeah, um... we were gonna go swimming, 嗯  我们要去游泳
and, uh, it was cold, so I went to go get us clothes, 天很冷  我去拿衣服
and that's when I saw that body behind the saw grass-- 然后我就看到了在锯齿草旁的尸体
Uh, Tyler. 泰勒
And where was Daniel this whole time? 当时丹尼尔在哪儿
I don't know. 不知道
He, uh... 他
I didn't see him until everybody ran over. 大家赶过来之后  我才看到他
Before that moment, did you see anyone else 在这之前  你有没有在海滩上
anywhere on the beach? 看到其他人
Because in an initial statement Charlotte made to the police, 因为在最初的陈述中  夏洛特告知警方
she said there was someone else. 海滩上另有其人
I know what she said. 我知道她说过什么
Why don't you tell us what you saw? 那你告诉我们  你到底看到了什么