生活口语天天说 第285期:怎样谈论历史(在线收听

 Visiting the history museum makes me know the history.  参观历史博物馆让我了解历史。

Do you think it's beneficial to visit the museum? 你觉得参观博物馆有好处吗?
Yes.Visiting the history museum makes me know the history. 是的。参观历史博物馆让我了解历史。
Are you interested in history? 你对历史感兴趣吗?
Yes.We can learn how intelligent our ancestors were by knowing history. 是的。了解历史,就能知道我们的祖先是多么有智慧。
We benefit a lot from the museum.  到博物馆真是受益匪浅。
We benefit a lot from the museum. 到博物馆真是受益匪浅。
What do you learn? 你学到了什么?
I know many historical stories. 我了解许多历史故事。