生活口语天天说 第294期:怎样谈论影星和影迷(在线收听

 Who is your favorite movie star? 谁是你最喜欢的影星?

Who is your favorite movie star? 谁是你最喜欢的影星?
Audrey Hepburn.She was so beautiful,and her acting was very good. 奥黛丽赫本,人漂亮,演技也非常好。
Yes.She won Oscar Award as the best actress. 是的,她获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。
I like her Roman Holiday very much. 我非常喜欢她主演的《罗马假日》。
Are you a film fan? 你是影迷吗?
Are you a film fan? 你是影迷吗?
Yes.I see a film every week. 是的,我每周看一部电影。
That will cost a lot. 那要花很多钱。
Do you know which film won the award in the 61th Cannes International Film Festival? 你知道哪部电影在第61届戛纳电影节上获得了大奖吗?
It's the French film Between the Walls. 是法国电影《墙壁之间》。