生活口语天天说 第298期:怎样谈论熊猫(在线收听

 But where is the panda's house? 但是熊猫馆在哪里呢?

It is said a panda came here from Sichuan province. 据说从四川省运来一只熊猫。
I never see a panda except on TV. 除了电视,我从没见过熊猫。
But where is the panda's house? 但是熊猫馆在哪里呢?
The pandas are so lovely. 熊猫真可爱。
Look!The pandas are so lovely. 看!熊猫真可爱。
What are they eating? 它们在吃什么?
That must be bamboo. 一定是竹子。
Do you know pandas also eat meat? 你知道吗?熊猫还吃肉。
Really? 真的吗?