生活口语天天说 第305期:怎样谈论高尔夫和保龄球(在线收听

 Let's go to play golf. 我们去打高尔夫球吧。

Let's go to play golf. 我们去打高尔夫球吧。
But I can't. 但是我不会。
Don't worry.I'll teach you. 别担心,我会教你的。
Golf is an expensive sport.I don't think I can afford it. 高尔夫球是昂贵的运动,我想我负担不起。
Do you like bowling? 你喜欢保龄球吗?
Do you like bowling? 你喜欢保龄球吗?
Yes.But I'm not a good player. 喜欢,但是我不擅长。
It doesn't matter.Practice makes perfect. 没关系。熟能生巧。