生活口语天天说 第308期:怎样谈论登山(在线收听

 Mountaineering challenges our perserverance. 登山运动考验我们的毅力。

Are you tired? 你累了吗?
Yes.I'm afraid I have to stop. 是的。我恐怕我不能坚持了。
Mountaineering challenges our perserverance. 登山运动考验我们的毅力。
Would you like to climb the mountain on Sunday? 星期天想去登山吗?
Would you like to climb the mountain on Sunday? 星期天想去登山吗?
No,it's too difficult for me. 不,这对我来说太难了。
You will become fatter if you don't do any exercise. 你再不锻炼的话,会越来越胖的。
Climbing a mountain is quite challenging. 登山太有挑战性了。
Yes.It's the reason why so many people are interested in it. 是的。这就是很多人喜欢登山的原因。