生活口语天天说 第322期:怎样表达繁忙(在线收听

 But everyone seems in a hurry all the time. 但是每个人看起来都总是匆匆忙忙的。

I feel lonely living in the city. 在城里生活我感到很寂寞。
You'd better try to communicate with the others.  你最好和其他人多交流。
But everyone seems in a hurry all the time. 但是每个人看起来都总是匆匆忙忙的。
I'm tied up with so many office chores. 太多的琐碎工作 让我透不过气。
I'm tied up with so many office chores. 太多的琐碎工作让我透不过气了。
Why don't you take a vacation? 为什么不休假呢?
Can you do my job for me? 你能帮我做工作吗?