生活口语天天说 第329期:怎样谈论新鲜感(在线收听

 Are you adapted to the new life in America? 你适应美国的新生活了吗?

The life here is wonderful! 这儿的生活好极了!
Are you adapted to the new life in America? 你适应美国的新生活了吗?
Yes.I like here very much and I make many new friends. 是的。我非常喜欢这里,还交了好多新朋友。
Everything seems so novel to me. 一切对我来说都很新鲜。
Is it the first time you have come to America? 这是你第一次来美国吗?
Everything seems so novel to me.It's totally different from our country.I like the new faces,new foods.I like everything new. 一切对我来说都很新鲜。这里和我们国家完全不同。我喜欢新的面孔,新的食物,一切新鲜的事物。
You'll make new friends. 你还会结交新朋友。