生活口语天天说 第333期:怎样谈论英国的城市(在线收听

 Because of fog in London,flights have been diverted to Manchester. 由于伦敦下大雾,所有航班都已转飞曼彻斯特。

Maybe we can't arrive in London this morning. 今天上午大概不能到达伦敦了。
What happened? 为什么?
Because of fog in London,flights have been diverted to Manchester. 由于伦敦下大雾,所有航班都已转飞曼彻斯特。
Liverpool is the hometown of Beatles. 利物浦是甲壳虫乐队的故乡。
I think it is worth visiting Liverpool. 我想去利物浦参观是很值得的。
I know nothing about this city. 我对这个城市一无所知。
Liverpool is the hometown of Beatles. 利物浦是甲壳虫乐队的故乡。