生活口语天天说 第340期:怎样参观白宫与国家博物馆(在线收听

 I'd like to take a tour of the White House. 我想去白宫看一看。

Where shall we go next? 我们接下来去哪儿呢?
I'd like to take a tour of the White House. 我想去白宫看一看。
Good idea. 好主意。
Is it far from here? 离这远吗?
Not really! 不远!
Have you ever been to the National Gallery of Arts? 你去过国家博物馆吗?
Have you ever been to the National Gallery of Arts? 你去过国家博物馆吗?
No.Do you like to guide me there? 没有。你愿意带我去吗?
I'd like to. 好的。
Oh!It's very nice of you. 噢!你真是太好了。
You're welcome. 不用客气。