《复仇》 第369期:千面娇娃(在线收听

 What on god's green earth am I encrypting? 我在上帝的净土上加密了什么

Home video. 家庭录像
Of you and daniel...  Sleeping. 你和丹尼尔在...  睡觉
Mm. I need you to e-mail an anonymous copy to Conrad. 我要你把拷贝文件匿名发给康拉德
Okay. 好的
This is getting kinkier and creepier by the moment. 现在是越来越古怪和恐怖了
May I ask what you hope to gain by this? 你想通过这个手段得到什么
Conrad will see it as a threat. 康拉德会认为这是恐吓
He'll think the white-haired man is spying on his son, 他会认为白发男在监视他的儿子
And he'll be forced to reach out to him. 致使他主动与白发人联系
You may be a lot of things-- 也许你是个千面娇娃
Black belt in Karate, impeccable dresser, 空手道黑带  时髦女郎
and a certified sociopath-- 还有反社会心理障碍患者
But you're not a killer. 但是你不是杀手
You don't know what I am or what I'm capable of. 你对我不了解  不知道我能干出什么来
And you don't know what he's capable of, Ems. 你也不知道他能干出什么来  艾米
Who's to say he won't kill you first? 谁知道他会不会先杀了你
That's a risk I'm willing to take. 我愿意冒这个险
Send it. 发送吧